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Maruvian Healing Mask

Maruvian Healing Mask

Regular price $500.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $500.00 USD
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Original - Oil on canvas
11" x 14"

This painting was inspired by the ancient  BASONGE healing mask used by designated healers that brought with them years of experience in herbs and medicines (much like modern doctors of today) and this mask was worn to ensure a positive image to aid in faith and assurance of the skills of the wearer. To see this mask brought about a feeling to the patient that healing was on the way. Don't we often feel a sense of relief when the doctor with the stethoscope around his neck is on the job? Faith is a thing that can still heal today.
The identifiable lines on this healing mask are abstracted and carried into and around the image creating motion and a sense of infinity as the eye is captured and begins to travel around and around. This feeling captures the notion that the healing expertise began at the beginning and will continue into the future of this planet. In this mask is such knowledge and experience that carries into many generations and is only now beginning to be recognized by modern man.

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